Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Hallo CHE..

People who make me laugh until i'm physically in pain. He is my favorite kind of people.
I really do mean it. I'm not the type person to only say those 3 words when i need something from you. If I tell you that I miss you, it means that you mean a lot to me. Not only does it mean that you have positively impacted my life, but it also means that i want you to stay. I know people come and go, and that's life, but i'm going to be honest, i want you stay in my life. And now i'm just not surprised when you leave. I'm actually more surprised when you stay.
I don't wanna lose you..

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

The difference between School and Learning

It's so simple..
School is waking up early morning and going to a place full of people who judge you and gossip about you. School is having all sorts of useless  information shoved down your throat. School is being judged on how well you remember the information they give you. School is another set of numbers to stress over.

Learning is going to place you've never been before. Learning is making mistakes and changing because of them. Learning is discovering new thing you never know before. Learning is gaining more knowledge to better understand the world around you.

See the difference?
This is why i love learning and hate to school

Senin, 13 April 2015

About friendship

Friends is a….. somebody who always do anything with you all the time like an idiot. Who always support you when you feeling down. Somebody who never envy when feeling up or happy.

No need for many friends, not a million, not a thousand, and not a hundred. Having few real can stay beside is more than enough.

Persahabatan kita emang ga akan pernah sempurna. Terkadang kita bertengkar untuk hal-hal yang spele. Kadang kita berjauhan satu sama lain entah karena kenapa. Tapi hal itu yang membuat kita semakin erat. Dari situ kita banyak belajar. Belajar saling menghargai, belajar untuk tidak egois dan saling mengerti dan memahami. Adakalanya kita mengalah tapi, adakalanya juga kita ga ada yg mau kalah hahaha..

Jagalah persahabatan ini kawan, sampai kapanpun ini akan terus terkenang